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    • 文章- 2012年8月6日
      UNS C31400 alloys are a type of bronze alloys that are characterized by moderate corrosion resistance. Mechanical, physical and thermal properties are provided along with fabrication information.
    • 文章- 13 Sep 2009
      本文解释了在上海东方艺术中心的玻璃立面中使用Dow Corning 791硅胶密封剂如何增加了建筑物的建筑吸引力。
    • 文章- 9 Feb 2005
      Al Clean是Allegheny Ludlum的新型耐药钢。不锈钢在316、304和201等年级上可用,从抗污渍的连续涂层中受益。
    • 文章- 19 Oct 2001
    • 文章- 10 Apr 2002
      Aluminium extrusions are extensively used in building due to their strength, low density, corrosion resistance and design flexibility. Typical applications include window and door frames, curtain...
    • 文章- 2001年10月23日
      This article discusses the properties and applications of stainless steel grade 304 (UNS S30400).
    • 文章- 13 Sep 2001
    • 文章- 7 Feb 2001
      This article discusses the properties and application of nickel silvers, a copper alloy.
    • 文章- 4 Mar 2002
      Excellent mechanical properties and corrosion resistance make titanium an ideal material for architectural applications. The reasons for its suitability including light weight, high strength, energy...
    • 文章- 18 May 2005
      Type 304 is the most versatile and widely used stainless steel. 304 stainless steel is an austenitic grade that can be severely deep drawn. The properties, applications and fabrication details are...